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Muhammad Taha Abdullah is an American convert to Islam since 1989.

He was majoring in physics and mathematics in college, and prior to his third year, accepted Islam.

A year later he was accepted to study at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia where he had the blessing of meeting and studying under the world's top scholars, from virtually every country on earth, as well as many of the brightest minded students he has ever come across―some of them scholars in their own right.


He has been teaching Arabic for more than twenty years, and has written over twenty five books. Almost all of these are in conjunction with, Dr V. Abdur Rahim's Madinah Arabic Course and methodology and are presently under publication.

In fact, he has re-written the entire famous three-volume series "Duroos al-lughati al-arabiyyti li-ghari an-natiqeena biha" with additions, new exercises, and lots of pictures, along with a workbook for each, as well as verbal exercise supplements.

The same has been done for Dr V.'s children's books.    

Taha resides in Malaysia.

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